Get Paid to Write Articles About Running

Want to Write for Endurance Explained?

If you would like to get paid to write articles about running, we’re inviting coaches and runners to submit articles, blog posts, series, videos, etc. that they think provide value for other coaches and athletes within our sport.


We will be offering $50-200 for any submissions that we use. We expect that most posts will be in the $50-100 range, but want to ensure we can properly reward anything that stands out and provides a great resource.


Example of what a $50 article might look like


Example of what a $75 article might look like

Larger or more comprehensive submissions (written or video) will always be considered for higher amounts. 

What kind of Content Are You Looking For?

In short, anything that can help coaches or runners improve at their craft. 


This can be as simple as a blog post talking about training or a workout, or something more complex like a training plan or guide that covers full topics about running/training. You can even create a video if it is the best way to provide information. The more comprehensive or impactful, the more we will offer as compensation.


It must be your original work and cannot be used elsewhere without permission.

How Can I Get Started?

Any submissions or questions can be emailed to 


Emails should include either:

  1. Full Articles that can be reviewed right away or;
  2. A topic with summary to see if it is something that we think will fit well on our site 

No submissions will be used or posted without your approval or payment from us.