Breaking the Mold Without Breaking the Progression

Breaking the Mold Without Breaking the Progression I’ve written two articles already on progressions for milers (Part 1 & Part 2). This could be considered part 2.5 In both of those, I laid workouts that follow simple and predictable progressions that get progressively more challenging. But what happens when you feel like you need to add variety but don’t want to break the progression you’ve built? That’s one of the biggest challenges in designing training plans: We respond well to variety and novel stimuli, but too much variety makes progression much less predictable. A Practical Example Over the last few […]

Building a Miler Part 2

Building a Miler – Part 2 Addressing the Metabolic Demands Takeaways: Running Economy is a combination of how mechanically and metabolically efficient we are at a specific pace While short reps like 200m can help teach pace, longer reps are eventually needed to learn how to sustain it 400m reps are long enough to encounter the metabolic demands we see in a 1500m/mile race without being so long that they become too hard to repeat or recover from We can improve with these intermediate reps by gradually transitioning from running them at our current race pace toward running them at […]

Building a Miler: Part 1 – Rhythm and Economy

Building a Miler – Part 1 Rhythm and Economy Takeaways: Running Economy is a combination of how mechanically and metabolically efficient we are at a specific pace Spending time running goal race pace builds running economy at that specific pace Workouts like 20x200m at mile pace allow athletes to accumulate larger total volumes at race pace than workouts with longer reps that are more metabolically taxing This is part one of a four part series that will address the different aspects of teaching athletes how to handle 1500m/mile race efforts and how to incorporate those workouts into training. Each part […]

Get Paid to Write Articles About Running

Get Paid to Write Articles About Running Want to Write for Endurance Explained? If you would like to get paid to write articles about running, we’re inviting coaches and runners to submit articles, blog posts, series, videos, etc. that they think provide value for other coaches and athletes within our sport.   We will be offering $50-200 for any submissions that we use. We expect that most posts will be in the $50-100 range, but want to ensure we can properly reward anything that stands out and provides a great resource.   Example of what a $50 article might look […]

Recruiting 101 – What Goes Into a Great Email

Recruiting 101 – What Goes Into a Great Email? In the first part of this series I talked about how to get noticed and how to turn that into getting a response (i.e. get in contact). The biggest takeaway should have been how important sending a great email can be to make a coach take the time to respond to your. Today we’re going to discuss what exactly you need to write a great email and how to stand out. You can even find the link to an editable version of the recruiting fact sheet below to send to coaches Download […]

Recruiting 101 – How to Get Noticed

Recruiting 101 – How to Get Noticed When it comes to recruiting, getting noticed is cheap, getting in contact is gold. Recruiting is one of the most misunderstood processes within our sport. Being recruited doesn’t require setting a national caliber time, but it does require time and putting yourself out there if you want it to be a good experience and get the best scholarship at the best school you can find.  What Does It Mean to “Get Noticed” Getting noticed just means that a coach knows who you are and what you have run. That’s it. It doesn’t mean […]

Minimum Effective Dose Vs. Maximum Effective Dose

Minimum Effective Dose Vs. Maximum Effective Dose

Minimum Effective Dose Vs. Maximum Effective Dose Twitter Instagram Youtube About a year ago I came across a post on twitter, “I’m tired of hearing about minimum effective dose, I want to hear more about maximum effective dose.” And reading the replies, there was a lot of shared sentiment. For a while, Twitter was awash of posts expounding on minimum effective dose; you couldn’t escape it if you were following coaches in the track & field or strength & conditioning worlds. But I was surprised how many people took minimum effective dose to effectively mean: How can I do as […]

What Makes A Great College Coach?

What Makes a Great College Coach? At the collegiate level, people constantly mistake athlete development for coaching. It’s an honest mistake. We know that coaching involves making an athlete better than they were the day before and so it makes sense to think that the best coaches are the ones that improve their athletes the most. But that isn’t the full picture. In a world where everyone starts out at a different baseline and colleges have a variety of resources to offer, recruiting will always play a role. A Tale of Two Coaches Let’s imagine we have two coaches in […]