Breaking the Mold Without Breaking the Progression

Breaking the Mold Without Breaking the Progression I’ve written two articles already on progressions for milers (Part 1 & Part 2). This could be considered part 2.5 In both of those, I laid workouts that follow simple and predictable progressions that get progressively more challenging. But what happens when you feel like you need to add variety but don’t want to break the progression you’ve built? That’s one of the biggest challenges in designing training plans: We respond well to variety and novel stimuli, but too much variety makes progression much less predictable. A Practical Example Over the last few […]

Building a Miler: Part 1 – Rhythm and Economy

Building a Miler – Part 1 Rhythm and Economy Takeaways: Running Economy is a combination of how mechanically and metabolically efficient we are at a specific pace Spending time running goal race pace builds running economy at that specific pace Workouts like 20x200m at mile pace allow athletes to accumulate larger total volumes at race pace than workouts with longer reps that are more metabolically taxing This is part one of a four part series that will address the different aspects of teaching athletes how to handle 1500m/mile race efforts and how to incorporate those workouts into training. Each part […]

Minimum Effective Dose Vs. Maximum Effective Dose

Minimum Effective Dose Vs. Maximum Effective Dose

Minimum Effective Dose Vs. Maximum Effective Dose Twitter Instagram Youtube About a year ago I came across a post on twitter, “I’m tired of hearing about minimum effective dose, I want to hear more about maximum effective dose.” And reading the replies, there was a lot of shared sentiment. For a while, Twitter was awash of posts expounding on minimum effective dose; you couldn’t escape it if you were following coaches in the track & field or strength & conditioning worlds. But I was surprised how many people took minimum effective dose to effectively mean: How can I do as […]

The Workout and Why #1

Workout And Why #1 The Workout 6x100m at 16 w/ 60s rest [3:00 rest] 5x800m at 2:52, 2:50, 2:48, 2:46, 2:44 w/ 2:00 rest [4:00 rest] 400m at 73 The Splits 16.3, 15.4, 16.0, 15.0, 16.3, 15.7 2:52, 2:49, 2:48, 2:47, 2:42 71.7 This session was done by a junior on our women’s side with PRs of 2:10/4:38 and a recent 18:10 on a cross country course two weeks prior. This workout came in the brief gap between our winter cross country season and the start of outdoor. Our 800/1500m runners were a pivotal part of scoring group in cross […]

Why Speed Reserve Might Help Longer Events?

Why Might Speed Reserve Help Longer Events? Takeaways Improving top speed allows you to run sub-maximal paces with less effort because you are operating at a lower percentage of top speed Speed reserve is a multifaceted quality that is going to be affected by more than just comparing maximum velocity and sub-maximal velocities The gradual shift of fiber types and improved mechanical properties can help explain why being faster can help your endurance What is Speed Reserve? Speed Reserve is the idea that by improving top speed, we get the benefit of our sub-maximal speeds feeling easier because we are […]